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Showing posts from December, 2015

Display Address from multiple to single line in MSD axapta

Display Address from multiple to single line in axapta Mostly we face issue to Display Address from multiple to single line in axapta report in Ax 2009 . Following is the way to do it very easily. Code snaps is as below.. str lineall; ; lineall =lineall +strline(CompanyInfo::find().Address,0); lineall =lineall +strline(CompanyInfo::find().Address,1); lineall =lineall +strline(CompanyInfo::find().Address,2); lineall =lineall +strline(CompanyInfo::find().Address,3); lineall =lineall +strline(CompanyInfo::find().Address,4); lineall =lineall +strline(CompanyInfo::find().Address,5); return lineall;

Validate Name in MSD Axapta

Validate Name in Axapta To Validate Name in Axapta  you can refer below code. --------------------------------------Code block---------------------------- boolean validatestrName(str strName) { Boolean valid,flag; System.Boolean flagTest; str matchstrNo = "^[a-z, ,A-Z]+$"; System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match myMatch; New InterOpPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop).assert(); myMatch =System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex::Match(strName,matchstrNo); flagTest = myMatch.get_Success(); flag = flagTest; CodeAccesspermission::revertAssert(); if(strName == "") return true; else return flag; } --------------------------------------End Code block-------------------------