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Showing posts from March, 2017

How to Convert column values for filter purpose in axapta

Some times you need to filter some records in MSD Axapta grid but its take time to get vertical column values with comma separated values This is simple example to understand How to take vertical column values to horizontal with Comma separated values. for example values in vertical column is like this way 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 You need To convert it on this way for record filter purpose 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, This clip will show you above scenario solution. Hope you got this tricks.  Thanks for watching.. if you like it please subscribe.

Code to get Ledger Account balance in Axapta 2012

To get Ledger Account balance in Axapta 2012 You can try below code. This code can be try out at any new job in AOT. This code output will be for single ledger but if you want to get all ledger balance then you can use while select loop instead of select. MainAccount mainAccount; select mainAccount where mainAccount.MainAccountId == '1454542' && mainAccount.LedgerChartOfAccounts == LedgerChartOfAccounts::current(); info(strFmt("%1",mainAccount.getBalance(dateNull(), systemDateGet(), FiscalPeriodType::Opening, OperationsTax::Current)));

Code to get Employee Name For all employee in Ax 2012

 To get Employee Name For all employee in Ax 2012 You can get idea from below code. DirPerson dirPerson; HcmWorker hcmWorker; HRMDailyAttendance hrmDailyAttendence; ; while select Name ,gender from dirPerson join hcmWorker group by dirPerson.Name,dirPerson.Gender where hcmWorker.Person == dirPerson.RecId { info(strFmt("%1",dirPerson.Name)); }

Batch jobs setting with Workflow infrastructure configuration wizard in ax 2012

Following step need to set for administration point of view for workflow steps and setting. 1. Click Area Page node: System administration -> Setup -> Batch group . Form name: Batch group 2. Switch to the Batch servers tab on the Batch group form and check whether server is added to batch group or not. 3. Click the Close toolbar button. 4. Close the Batch group form. 5. Click Area Page node: System administration -> Setup -> System -> Server configuration . Form name: Server configuration 6. Click the Close toolbar button. 7. check server name and Close the Server configuration form. 8. Click Area Page node: System administration -> Setup -> System -> System service accounts . Check the service accounts. 13. Click Area Page node: System administration -> Setup -> Workflow -> Workflow infrastructure configuration . Form name: Workflow infrastructure configuration wizard 14. Click the Next...

How to set recurrence for batch job in ax 2012

Step 1: (‎05-‎Mar-‎17 12:42:41 PM) User left click on "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (menu item)" Step 2: (‎05-‎Mar-‎17 12:42:43 PM) User left click on MSD‬ [‎‪xyz‬‪: ‎‪Session ID‬ - ‎‪3‬‬]‎ - ‎ [‎‪1‬ - ‎‪usmf‬ - ‎‪initial‬]‎ (list item)" Step 3: (‎05-‎Mar-‎17 12:42:45 PM) User left click on "BatchJob (link)" in test‬ [‎‪xyz‬‪: ‎‪Session ID‬ - ‎‪3‬‬]‎ - ‎ [‎‪1‬ - ‎‪usmf‬ - ‎‪initial‬]‎" Step 4: (‎05-‎Mar-‎17 12:42:47 PM) User mouse drag start on "‪Batch job‬ (‎‪1‬)‎‪ - ‎‪‪‪Job description‬: ‎‪Change based alerts‬‬, ‎‪‪Withhold‬‬‬, ‎‪Partition Key: initial‬‬ (window)" in "‪Batch job‬ (‎‪1‬)‎‪ - ‎‪‪‪Job description‬: ‎‪Change based alerts‬‬, ‎‪‪Withhold‬‬‬, ‎‪Partition Key: initial‬‬" Previous Next Step 5: (‎05-‎Mar-‎17 12:42:48 PM) User mouse drag end on "‪Batch job‬ (‎‪1‬)‎‪ - ‎‪‪‪Job description‬: ‎‪Change based alerts‬‬, ‎‪‪Withhold‬‬‬, ‎‪Partition Key: ini...

Get total number of records for all table and synchronization tips in Ax 2012

To Get total number of records from all table and Export data  into excel in Axapta 2012 you can apply below tips. Go to AOT(CTR+D)->Tool->Number of Records to bring in excel select all  records then press Control +T key You can get exact steps from below video clips. To Reindex and synchronize table from Microsoft Dynamics Axapta You can apply below tips System administration -Periodic-Database -SQL Administration To get exact step see below clips. You can subscribe to get more updates.