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Showing posts from July, 2021

Axapta Error Total of the transactions in the year is not 0.00. Total is 0.70.

 Getting this error message at the time of closing fiscal year close - openings transactions  Total of the transactions in the year is not 0.00. Total is 0.70. This is a serious error. Run \"Check\" on ledger transactions. Give your suggestion to solve this. This link can help you.

Error Item Requirement cannot be created for a project contract with multiple funding sources

 While clicking the project item requirement the following error showing, "Item Requirement cannot be created for a project contract with multiple funding sources"   And I tried to delete one funding source in contracts and it showing, "Transactions that are associated with this funding source have already been posted. This funding source cannot be removed."   there is no transaction for this customer before, still showing this error Please give your suggestion to solve this. Some suggestion given to this link