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Showing posts with the label Tables

What are difference between temporary tables and containers in MSDAX

What are difference between temporary tables and containers -> Data in containers are stored and retrieved sequentially, but a temporary table enables you to define indexes to speed up data retrieval. ->Containers provide slower data access if you are working with many records. However, if you are working with only a few records, use a container. -> When you pass a temporary table into a method call, it is passed by reference. Containers are passed by value. i-> When a variable is passed by reference, only a pointer to the object is passed into the method. When a variable is passed by value, a new copy of the variable is passed into the method. If the computer has a limited amount of memory, it might start swapping memory to disk, slowing down application execution. When you pass a variable into a method, a temporary table may provide better performance than a container

The most important properties of tables in axapta

The most important properties of tables in axapta • TitleField1 and TitleField2: Specify fields that are displayed in the active title bar of forms • ConfigurationKey and SecurityKey: Specify that only users authorized to access the data can do so. We strongly recommend setting these options. • CacheLookup: Specifies how the table is to be cached to optimize data access. • CreateRecIdIndex: Allows you to create a RECID index. Axapta automatically adds a RECID to every table when its created, so that you can use it as an index; however, if you have a well-designed data model, then that should not be necessary. • PrimaryIndex and ClusterIndex: Specifies which field is your primary and clusteredindex, which requires that you have created the respective fields beforehand. Defining tables consists of creating the table itself and the following subtypes: • Fields: Dictates where your data is actually placed, and when you create these you specify the base data type each holds. How

Main categories of tables in MSD axapta

Two main categories of tables exist:  Application Tables . These are used to define and build the application modules. On the initial definition of your Axapta installation, you will determine which specific application tables you will be using. This will be defined based on the pecific configuration keys which are enabled and will be synchronized to the database software at start-up. System Tables. These are tables that contain information specific to the operation of the Axapta infrastructure and are created in the kernel of the application. Systems tables are automatically synchronized to the database operating system.