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Microsoft certification most valuable courses in Axapta

Microsoft certification most valuable courses in Axapta Exam MB6-817: Trade and Logistics in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009  • Exam MB6-818: Financials in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009  • Exam MB6-819: Development Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009  • Exam MB6-820: Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009  • Exam 70-432: TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Implementation and Maintenance

Number Sequence creation through code in axapta

Number sequence Creation Add method current form where number sequence needed NumberSeqFormHandler numberSeqFormHandler; NumberSeqFormHandler numberSeqFormHandler() { if (!numberSeqFormHandler) { numberSeqFormHandler = NumberSeqFormHandler::newForm(ProdParameters::numRefSrNo().NumberSequence,element,TableName_ds,fieldnum(TableName,SrNo)); } return numberSeqFormHandler; } public void delete() { element.numberSeqFormHandler().formMethodDataSourceDelete(); super(); } public void write() { ; ttsbegin; super(); element.numberSeqFormHandler().formMethodDataSourceWrite(); ttscommit; } void create(boolean _append = false, boolean extern = false) //If created externally { ; element.numberSeqFormHandler().formMethodDataSourceCreatePre(); super(_append); if (!extern) { element.numberSeqFormHandler().formMethodDataSourceCreate(); } //GODInstrumentCalibrationHeader.Responsibility =curuserid(); To par

Axapta Coverage

As per my experience and knowledge following places in India have nice axapta market. 1 Mumbai- Here Godrej infotech,TCS(Tata consultancy Services),NDS,L &T Info-tech etc working well in Axapta and lot of other companies also implemented Axapta. 2. Ahmedabad:- DevITP(Dev Information technology Pvt. Ltd) Ahmedbad,Indusa etc 3. Vadodara:- TDW,GERI(Gujarat Engineering Research Institute)  implemented Axapta etc 4. Pune 5. Bangalore 6. Hyderabad-Accenture 7. Delhi 8. Jaipur 9.Udaipur 10.Gurgaon 11.New Delhi 12-Gandhinagar-Gujarat Other Place like  Jamnagar etc also have good scope for axapta.

call form through class in axapta

This code is to how to call any form using class.I think this is challenging for new developpers. create mathod create form protected FormRun createForm(identifiername identifiername) { Args args; FormRun formRun; ; args = new Args(); args.caller(this); formRun = new MenuFunction(identifiername, MenuItemType::Display).create(args);; formRun.wait(); return formRun; } Public boolean prompt() { Object formRun; ; formRun = this.createForm(menuitemdisplaystr(Formaname)); Code = formrun.formmathod(); return formRun.okPressed(); }

create dialog in class of axapta

This code is to create dialog in class using axapta code . Mostly new developer directly call dialog through report but by using class you can use to lot of report. DialogField DialogFromDate,DialogToDate; // DateTimeUtil fromDate; // DateTimeUtil toDate; FromDate fromDate; ToDate toDate; DateTimeAccepted tmpdate; protected Object dialog() { Object ret; DialogRunbase dialog; //= super(); ; Dialog = super(dialog); Dialog.caption("Percentage Calculation"); DialogFromDate = dialog.addField(typeid(FromDate)); DialogToDate = dialog.addField(typeid(ToDate)); return dialog; } public boolean getFromDialog() { boolean ret; ret = super(); fromDate=dialogFromDate.value(); toDate=dialogToDate.value(); return ret; } public container pack() { container ret; // ret = super(); return ret; } public boolean unpack(container packedClass) { boolean ret; ret = super(packedClass); return re

Date to datetime conversion in axapta

This code is Date to datetime conversion in axapta. Try this way. date fromDate ; Timezone timezone = DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZone(); ; fromDate=mkdate(1,mthofyr(str2date('1/9/2009',123)),Year(str2date('1/9/2009',123))); abc.DateTime1>= datetobeginUtcDateTime(fromDate,timezone)

Adding Progress bar in form or report in axapta

Adding Progress bar in form or report in axapta is not so tough I just try this code. SysOperationProgress progress,progressexcel; str tmpb,tmpogroup,tmpo,tmpb; ; progressexcel = new SysOperationProgress(); progressexcel.setCaption('Progress'); progressexcel.setText('Printing To Excel..Please Wait'); super(); startLengthyOperation(); element.oQuery(); element.close(); progressexcel.setTotal(8000); excelApplication = new COM("excel.application"); excelWorkBooks = excelApplication.workBooks(); excelWorkBook = excelWorkBooks.add(); excelWorkSheets = excelWorkBook.worksheets(); excelApplication.visible(false); excelWorkSheet = excelApplication.activeSheet(); styles = excelWorkBook.styles(); style = styles.add('MyStyle'); font = style.font(); font.bold(true); range = excelWorkSheet.Range("A1:C1");'MyStyle'); range.MergeCells(true); range.value2(CompanyI