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TDS settlement tables and usable fields in MSD axapta

TDS settlement tables in axapta If you are looking for tables used for tds tax in axapta then I am mentioning here some tables which you can fire query from backend or sql to make correction for tds settlement. 1.TAXWITHHOLDTRANS_IN 2.TAXWITHHOLDSETTLETRANS_IN Fields name  which usable to settlement of tds manually. 1.voucher 2. ORIGVOUCHER 3.TRANSDATE 4. DATAAREAID 5.TAXREPCOUNTER 6. TAXWITHHOLDGROUP 7.SETTLED

How to connect to a website from MSD Axapta and Writing a web page information

How to connect to a website from Axapta and Writing a web page information str pg; str NameofFile; commaIO yourfile; int Object1; WinInet wi = new WinInet(); ; NameofFile = "C:\\test1.txt"; yourfile = new commaIO(NameofFile,"w"); Object1 = wi.internetOpenUrl(''); if (Object1) { pg = wi.internetReadFile(Object1); yourfile.write(pg); } wi.internetCloseObject1(Object1); }

Connecting to External Database From MSD Axapta by x++ code

   Connecting to External Database From Axapta by x++ code.Following code works fine. I tried it. CCADOConnection connection; CCADOCommand Cmd; CCADORecordSet RS; CCADOFields fields; Com Coms; Str Sql; Str Provider = "testServer"; Str DataBase = "Testdb"; Str UserId = "abc"; Str PWD = "xyz"; Str ConnStr = strfmt("Provider=SqlOledb;server=" + Provider + ";trusted_Connection=false;" + "Initial catalog=" + DataBase + ";user id=" + userid + ";password='" + PWD + "';"); ; Sql = "Select * from InventTable where itemid="10001""; connection = new CCADOConnection();; Cmd = new CCADOCommand(); Cmd.activeConnection(connection); Cmd.commandText(sql); RS = new CCADORecordSet

Calling Sql Stored procedure through MSD axapta code

  Calling Sql Stored procedure through axapta code LogInProperty LogProp = new LogInProperty(); OdbcConnection Con1; Statement stmt1; ResultSet rs; ; LogProp.setServer("SeverName"); LogProp.setDatabase("DataBaseName"); LogProp.setUsername("sa"); LogProp.setPassword("123"); try { Con1 = new OdbcConnection(LogProp); } catch { info("Check username/password."); return; } stmt1 = Con1.createStatement(); rs = stmt1.executeQuery('EXEC [testSTRsp]'); while ( { info(rs.getString(1)); }     

Hints for Workflow development for new modules in MSD axapta

Hints for Workflow development for new modules in axapta creating workflows require creating / modifying following workflow artifacts: Workflow Categories  Workflow Templates Workflow Documents Tasks Approvals Workflow Categories To create new workflow categories follow the procedure below: 1. Open AOT 2. Expand the Workflow node 3. Right-click on the Workflow Category node and select New Workflow Category. 4. A new workflow category called WorkflowCategory1 will be created. 5. Right-click on the newly created workflow category and select Properties and set required properties. Property Description Name A unique name for the category Label A meaningful label for the category Ex: Purchase order Help Text Description about the category Module The module to which the category is applicable Workflow Templates Follow the procedure below to create a new workflow template: 1. Open the AOT 2. Expand the Workflow node 3. Right-click on the Workflow Templates node