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Generate LotId or inventTransid by code in MSD axapta

Some times we need to generate lot Id by code in axapta 4.0 or 2009. following are code you can set in your program too. NumberSeq _numberSeq; salesline salesline; ; _numberSeq=NumberSeq::newGetNumFromCode(NumberSequenceReference::find(TypeId2ExtendedTypeId(typeid(InventTransId))).NumberSequence); salesline.InventTransId=_numberSeq.num(); Just you need to pass Extended data type InventTransId to given function I hope this method or code will help you.

How to generate sales Order number in MSD axapta by code

How to generate sales Order number in axapta by code NumberSeq           num;  SalesTable salesTable; ; num = NumberSeq::newGetNum(SalesParameters::numRefSalesId()); salesTable.SalesId = num.num();  if (salesTable::exist(salesTable.SalesId))    {           num.abort();          checkFailed("@LIQ1977");           checkFailed(strfmt("@LIQ1978", salesTable.SalesId));           throw error("@SYS23020");         }                            num.used();

How to install Microsoft dynamics axapta 2009 on windows 7

So, many of us use VPC for AX demo and exploration because it has all the required components already in place. But it requires you to have enough memory to run your host OS and VPC at the same time, it also slows down your system. If you don’t have enough free memory then it will even refuse to load. This article is for those who want to install AX on their laptop, so that they don’t have to wait for VPC to start (or wake up from hibernation) and at the same time want to maintain the system performance at its best. Follow the steps given in the link below:- and AX will be installed on your local system.

The reports get build up successfully but not getting deployed in MSD axapta

Error description: having an AOS server and a Database server. SQL reporting service have been configured and working fine. I've created a new Dynamics ax reporting project on AOS server.the reports get build up successfully bot not getting deployed. An error may occurred :   Error 32 Deployment failed unexpectedly with the message:  The following components have not been installed or are not configured correctly: Reporting Extensions  Please consult your administrator or the documentation.  See the log file for further details. C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\DynamicsTools\Microsoft.Dynamics.Fra​mework.Design.Reporting.Modeli​ng.targets 374 8 Solution: Then login to aos server. Open Internet explorer. browse the report server and manager url. If you can see the dynamics ax folder just try to get inside the folder and browse a single report manually. If you may able to browse then there is no issue exit. Just restart the IIS on reporting server. If you may not able t

TDS settlement tables and usable fields in MSD axapta

TDS settlement tables in axapta If you are looking for tables used for tds tax in axapta then I am mentioning here some tables which you can fire query from backend or sql to make correction for tds settlement. 1.TAXWITHHOLDTRANS_IN 2.TAXWITHHOLDSETTLETRANS_IN Fields name  which usable to settlement of tds manually. 1.voucher 2. ORIGVOUCHER 3.TRANSDATE 4. DATAAREAID 5.TAXREPCOUNTER 6. TAXWITHHOLDGROUP 7.SETTLED

How to connect to a website from MSD Axapta and Writing a web page information

How to connect to a website from Axapta and Writing a web page information str pg; str NameofFile; commaIO yourfile; int Object1; WinInet wi = new WinInet(); ; NameofFile = "C:\\test1.txt"; yourfile = new commaIO(NameofFile,"w"); Object1 = wi.internetOpenUrl(''); if (Object1) { pg = wi.internetReadFile(Object1); yourfile.write(pg); } wi.internetCloseObject1(Object1); }

Connecting to External Database From MSD Axapta by x++ code

   Connecting to External Database From Axapta by x++ code.Following code works fine. I tried it. CCADOConnection connection; CCADOCommand Cmd; CCADORecordSet RS; CCADOFields fields; Com Coms; Str Sql; Str Provider = "testServer"; Str DataBase = "Testdb"; Str UserId = "abc"; Str PWD = "xyz"; Str ConnStr = strfmt("Provider=SqlOledb;server=" + Provider + ";trusted_Connection=false;" + "Initial catalog=" + DataBase + ";user id=" + userid + ";password='" + PWD + "';"); ; Sql = "Select * from InventTable where itemid="10001""; connection = new CCADOConnection();; Cmd = new CCADOCommand(); Cmd.activeConnection(connection); Cmd.commandText(sql); RS = new CCADORecordSet