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How to export data from table to word file in MSD Axapta

CommaIo urfile; LedgerTrans LedgerTrans1; Container container1; sqlDictionary sqlDictionary; TableName tablenm; ; tablenm = "LedgerTrans1"; select * from sqlDictionary where Tablename2id(tablenm) == sqlDictionary.tabId; if(sqlDictionary.RecId > 0) { urfile= new CommaIo("c:\\test.doc","w"); urfile.outFieldDelimiter("\t");/ while select LedgerTrans1 { container1= [LedgerTrans1.AccountNum,LedgerTrans1.Txt]; urfile.writeExp(container1); } }

how to use datetime utility method in MSD axapta

info(strfmt("%1 - %2", DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZone(), enum2str(DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZone()))); //DateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffsetcusttable.createdDateTime,DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZon()); info(strfmt("%1 - %2",DateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset(CustInvoiceJour.createdDateTime, DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZone()), custtable.modifiedDateTime));

error on Event log at the time of EP Site creation in MSDAX

Following error on Event log at the time of EP Site creation. How could we resolve this error. If I will resolve then will post answer soon. SQL Database 'SharePoint_Config_26c83dac-e459-49a3-80f5-10c1b1dee635' on SQL Server instance 'np:\\.\pipe\MSSQL$Microsoft##SSEE\sql\query' not found. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below. Cannot open database "SharePoint_Config_26c83dac-e459-49a3-80f5-10c1b1dee635" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'test\bcproxy'. Could you put your comment for this error

Read data from text file using Aciilo in MSD axapta x++

Read data from text file using Aciilo in axapta x++ AsciiIo filetoread; str ln; container filecontents; ; filetoread = new AsciiIo("C:\\test.txt" , 'R'); filetoread.inFieldDelimiter("1234567890abcdefghijklmnop"); filecontents =; while (filecontents) { ln = con2str(filecontents); info(ln); filecontents =; }

Prompt dialog or modal window type in MSD axapta

Prompt dialog or modal window type in axapta Box::info(str _msg,str _title); Box::warning(str _msg,str _title Box::stop(str _msg,str _title); Box::infoOnce(str _heading,str _information,str owner); DialogButton _DialogButton ; _DialogButton = Box::yesNo(str _msg,DialogButton _defaultButton,str _title); _DialogButton = Box::yesAllNoAllCancel(str _msg,DialogButton _defaultButton,str _title);