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Error on deploying the ssrs reports for reporting services in MSD axapta

If you are getting following Error on deploying  the ssrs reports for reporting services in axapta . could not load file or assembly 'microsoft.dynamics.kernel.cli ent. You can try following step to resolve this error. 1. copy the AXReports.exe file place to the folder: c:\Program files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Client\Bin, and registering the Microsoft.Dynamics.Kernel.Client file in the GAC by dragging and dropping the file to the folder: c:\windows\assembly. 2. Checke for user permission issues. 3. Check whether  Reporting service SIte Link Working or not.

Sale order table structure in MSD axapta

If you want to know sales order table flow then you need to know following flow. for customer following table user Custparameter CustTable, CustGroup. Sales Order front screen table SalesTable->SalesParmtable SalesLine->Sale order table structure in axapta After posting data goes to CustInvoiceJour CustInvoiceTrans CustTrans Financial voucher effect goes to LedgerTrans. InventTrans Table is common table for all inventory.

Example of sending mail in MSD Ax

To send mail you can try code in following way in job . You can then set this code in your way in form or dialog . str sendereml = ''; str recipienteml= ''; str cc1 = ''; str subject = 'Testing'; str MailBody = 'Testing mail txt -hello how r u'; str fileName1 = @'C:\Testing1.txt'; Set permissionSet; System.Exception e; str mailServer; System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient mailClient; System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mailMessage; System.Net.Mail.MailAddress mailFrom; System.Net.Mail.MailAddress mailTo; System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection mailCCCollection; System.Net.Mail.AttachmentCollection mailAttachementCollection; System.Net.Mail.Attachment mailAttachment; ; try { permissionSet = new Set(Types::Class); permissionSet.add(new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop)); permissionSet.add(new FileIOPermission(filename1, &#

How to get the address of customer in a single line in Report in MSD axapta

To get the address field of customer in a single line in Report or form in axapta you can get hints by following code. DirPartyId partyId; DirPartyAddressRelationship dirPartyAddressRelationship; DirPartyAddressRelationshipMapping dirPartyAddressRelationshipMapping; Address address; str resultAddress; ; partyId = DirPartyTable::find(CustTable::find('1101').PartyId).PartyId; select dirPartyAddressRelationship where dirPartyAddressRelationship.PartyId == partyId; select dirPartyAddressRelationshipMapping where dirPartyAddressRelationshipMapping.PartyAddressRelationshipRecId == dirPartyAddressRelationship.RecId; select address where address.dataAreaId == dirPartyAddressRelationshipMapping.RefCompanyId && address.RecId == dirPartyAddressRelationshipMapping.AddressRecId; resultAddress = address.Street+" "+address.City+", "+address.State+" "+address.ZipCode+" "+address.CountryRegionId;

Send message from one computer to other by MS Dynamics axapta code

To Send message from one computer to other by Dynamics axapta code you can try following code in ax job. COM netSendComObj; InteropPermission InteropPermission1 = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ComInterop); int Result; str NameOfMachine = Winapi::getComputerName(); str MSG = ‘Hello how are you.Do you know me I am Dynamics AX’; InteropPermission1.assert(); try { netSendComObj = new COM("WScript.Shell"); Result = netSendComObj.Run(strFmt("net send %1 %2", NameOfMachine, MSG),0,true); } catch (Exception::Error) { CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert(); throw Exception::Error; } if (Result != 0) { warning(strfmt(‘Sending message Failed’, NameOfMachine)); warning(‘Check messenger service is Started’); } CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert();