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Get customer Transaction Balance in MSD Axapta

 To Get customer Transaction Balance in Axapta you can try following code to get balance for particular customer. You can try code in job to check output. CustTrans custTrans; ; select sum(AmountMst) from custTrans where custTrans.AccountNum == '00000343'; info(strfmt("%1",CustPaymManTrans::openAmountMST('00000343')+custTrans.AmountMST));

How to get customer Alternate address by coding in MSD Axapta

To get customer Alternate address by coding in Axapta you need to use table dirpartytable which directly related to address tableby recid and tableid with address table. Custtable has unique partyid for each customer. CustTable custTable; Address address; DirPartyTable DirPartyTable; ; select custTable where custTable.AccountNum == '00000234'; select DirPartyTable where DirPartyTable.PartyId == custTable.PartyId; while select address where address.AddrRecId == DirPartyTable.RecId && address.AddrTableId == DirPartyTable.TableId { info("Name "+address.Name+" street "+address.Street+" zip "+address.ZipCode+" city "+address.City+" state "+address.State); }

Change company example in MSD Ax

 This is a good example to know how to use change company method to get data from multiple companies. CustTable CustTable; ; changecompany('dt1') { CustTable = null; select firstonly CustTable; info(CustTable.Name); } changecompany('dt2') { CustTable = null; select firstonly CustTable; info(CustTable.Name); }

Calculate Onhand physical inventory in MSD Axapta

 Inventsum is right table to get onhand stock for items. Onhand stock stored dimensionwise. Inventdimid is unique id for dimension combination. InventDim inventDim; InventSum inventSum; ; while select inventSum join inventdim where inventSum.ItemId == 'item1' && inventdim.InventLocationId == 'loc1' && inventdim.inventBatchId != '' && inventdim.inventDimId == inventSum.InventDimId { info(strfmt("%1",inventSum.physicalInvent())); }

Error while refreshing the Temp Table in Visual Studio and RDP Class design

If you are getting the error while refreshing the Temp Table in Visual Studio, and also getting the same error to add RDP class in Designing the SSRS report  Error is:  "An error occurred when retrieving the meta data for the query.  Exception occurred on the meta data service on client or server.  See Exception details below:  >data or calculated fields with type"Record" are not supported". Solution: 1.redeploy meta data, BI service from services node, also try refresh BC proxy setting from AX configuration 2.There is problem in RDP Class can you please Check any field is missing or else you can do one thing just in Visual studio Take the name for the DS and Remove and try to add once again ten you will find out the Error clearly then you can fix that from AX

select best choice before Resigning from job in MSDAX

If you are working  in ERP(AX) field then you are thinking to resign from job then select best choice before Resigning from job. Following point you should keep in mind. 1. Do not resign from job if you do not have any offer letter if you do that then if will very difficult for you to get new job but at the time of current job you could get other job easily. 2. Read carefully  about company profile where are you going like work environment,behaviour with employees,job shift,outsourcing work and salary structure. 3. In AX ERP TCS,Godrej,Tectura ,L & T,Sonata, Accenture,NDS could be your choice. 4. Select Mar to May month period for joining new job because that time your children will enter in new standard. 5. Always love to your job do not love to company.