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How can you compare layers of MSD Axapta

How can you compare layers of Axapta i) Microsoft Dynamics AX menu >Tools >  Development tools > Code Upgrade > Compare layers ii) Enter the name of Project iii) Select the Surce Layer used as the base layer for the comparison. iv) Select Reference Layer that you want to compare to the Source Layer. v) A new private project will be created in the Project node.

create a new language in MSDAX 2009

create a new language in AX 2009 For creating new language follow the steps. i) Go to AX Menu > Tools > Development Tools > Label > Label File Wizard. ii) Check on Create new label Language then click on Next button. iii) Select language. iv) You can also create new language id by click on Create new language button.

AX among other Dynamics MSDAX

Microsoft bought four independent ERP packages for small to medium business over the years. Microsoft now markets all four + CRM under the Dynamics branding. The ERP packages are AX (Axapta), Great Plains, Navision and Soloman. These four ERP's fit into various customer requirements better or worse depending on what your business requirements are. AX is the choice if a very high degree of customization is required by the customer. The others, not so much.  AX is for EnterpriseMicrosoft Great Plains is TIER 2 application whereas Microsoft AX is TIER 1. TIER 2 means for Small and Medium Size Enterprises  and TIER 1 means Enterprise. Enterprise means where employee count is more than 20,000 and more than 200 concurrent users.

Code For sending data from form to Class using container in MSDAX

Code For sending data from form to Class using container //Write this code on form Container returnAbc() { Container Abc; int conPos = 0; ; conPos ++; Abc= conins(Abc,conPos,test.valueStr()); return Abc; } //Write this Code on class main() { callerForm = _args.caller(); Abc= callerForm.returnFilter(); } void initFilters(Container _Abc) { aAbc = conpeek(_filtAbc,1); }

Code to save previous selected value in form in MSD Axapta

Declare variable in class declaration #define.CurrentVersion(1) #localmacro.CurrentList _itmeid, _description, _classtype #endmacr define pack method public container pack() { return [#CurrentVersion,#CurrentList]; } Then define unpack method public boolean unpack(container _packedClass) { Version version = conpeek(_packedClass,1); ; switch (version) { case #CurrentVersion : [version, #CurrentList] = _packedClass; break; default : return false; } return true; }

Code to generate number sequence in class using MSD axapta

Code to generate number sequence in class using axapta x++ Assign number sequence from parameter table numberSeq = NumberSeq::newGetNumFromCode(LedgerParameters::numRefJournalNum().NumberSequence, true, true); //put value of number sequence to variable this way. voucher = NumberSeq::newGetNumFromCode(ledgerJournalName.VoucherSeries, true, true).num();

Code for uploading image file in table using MSD axapta

Code for uploading image file in table using x++ code FilenameFilter filter = ['Image Files', '*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif;*.jpeg']; BinData binData = new BinData(); str extest, filepath, nameofFile; ; super(); imageFilePathName = WinAPI::getOpenFileName(element.hWnd(),filter,'',"abc"); if(imageFilePathName && WinAPI::fileExists(imageFilePathName)) { [filepath, nameOfFile,extest] = fileNameSplit(imageFilePathName); if(extest== '.bmp' || extest== '.jpg' || extest== '.gif' || extest== '.jpeg') { bindata.loadFile(imageFilePathName); imageContainer = bindata.getData(); TestTable.Image =imageContainer; TestTable.write(); } else { throw error("Error in uploading"); } }

Difference Between modifiedfield and validatefield method in MSD Axapta

Difference Between modifiedfield and validatefield method modifiedfield and validatefield both method recieve the active field number as parameter.modifiedfield() is used to initialize the value of other fields and does not return an value. while validatefield method  is used for validation only and will return true or false.

Menu path to export table data in Excel Templates in MSD axapta

 This is  a menu path to export table data in Excel Templates. You can keep that data as table backup for security purpose. Administration -> Periodic -> Data Export/Import -> Excel SpreadSheets -> Template Wizard If you want to import that data  again in axapta then you can import same temple using following menu path. Administration -> Periodic -> Data Export/Import ->Import Excel Template.

Deploy reports right from the MSD Axapta

Deploy reports right from the AX 1. First install Reporting Extensions, Configure reporting Servers  then Go to  > AOT. 2) You can check your AX folder if you actually have Report Deployment installed. For example; C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Reporting Services\AxReports.exe 3) You can also try to run it from the AX installation CD itself, For example; D:\Msi\Components64\Progra​m Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Reporting Services

Code to create csv file from table data in MSDAX

If you want  Code to create csv file from table data using x++ code in Axapta application Try this code in job //Declaration of variables #File CommaTextIo commaTextIo; FileIOPermission permission; CustTable custTable; //assign file path and file name str fileName = strFmt('%1\\ax_%2.csv', WinAPI::getTempPath(), "Name"); // @"C:\My Documents\abc.csv"; ; permission = new FileIOPermission(fileName,#io_write); permission.assert(); commaTextIo = new CommaTextIo(fileName,#io_write); //select data in query to write in csv file while select custTable { commaTextIo.write(custTable.AccountNum,custTable.Name); } CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert(); //After execution of job you can see .csv file in temp folder

Fundamental of Class Declaration in MSD axapta

Class Declaration The classDeclaration consists of three types of definitions: Variables used to create fields in the dialog Variables used within the data manipulation Local macro to define which variables to pack (in other words,remember for next time, and/or use on the batch server) In this example the class declaration is as follows: public class DemoRunBase extends RunBase { DialogField dialogAccount; DialogField dialogFromDate; DialogField dialogToDate; LedgerAccount ledgerAccount; FromDate fromDate; ToDate toDate; #DEFINE.CurrentVersion(1) #LOCALMACRO.CurrentList ledgerAccount, fromDate, toDate #ENDMACRO } The individual fields of the dialog will be initialized in the method dialog(). When the dialog is accepted by the user, the contents of the dialog fields are read in the method getFromDialog(). As both methods have to access the same variables, they are defined as members of the class. The manipulation in the method ru

What is RunBase Class in MSD axapta ?

What is RunBase Class? The RunBase class is an abstract class which defines common structure for all data manipulation functions in AX. The minimum implementation of a RunBase class includes following methods a. ClassDeclaration b. Dialog c. getFromDialog d. Pack e. UnPack f. Run g. Description (static) h. Main (static)

Describe Args in Microsoft dynamics axapta MSDAX

1. The Args Class defines information communicated between running application 2. This Communication can occur automatically without any X++ programming. 3. If the caller is activating the called object by a menu item the Args object is automatically initialized and set as a parameter to the object called. AOT properties of the menu item  will be used. 4. Different type of Args sent to caller as follows. Type of Args Args.record(Table_Obj) Used to access the value of the caller’s record of Table_Obj Args.Caller(this) Send the Caller as an object to the called object. Args.ParamEnumType(Enum_Obj) Send ID of enumType that is specified in param Enum. Args.ParamEnum(Enum_Obj::Value1) Sends an EnumValue Args.ParamObject(AnyObject) To transfer any object ,Args.Param(str) To transfer a string, but this method is not considered as best practice.

Execution sequence at the time of Report run in MSD axapta

  Report Run with execution sequence 1. Init – Called on Report is initialized. 2. Dialog / getFromDialog – Called before fetch to interact with Client. 3. Fetch – Do the following     a. Initialized the QueryRun     b. Prompt a Query     c. Prompt printer settings     d. Fetch the data     e. Send the data 4. Send – This method is activated every time a record is to be printed. 5. SectionId.ExecuteSection – print the control/s of the section

Purpose of Ledger Account statement report in MSD axapta

Ledger Account statement report in axapta Ledger Account statement report  is a very important report for accounting purpose in Axapta ERP.  Main tables used to fetch data is ledgertrans, ledgerTable and balancedimtrans. To show opening balance and ledger transaction one temparary tables tmpdimtrans . There are some fields like accomulatedAmountMST and AmountDebitCredit. AccumulatedAmountMSt gives calculated opening balances as per transaction and amountDebitcredit should debit and credit amount for particular period. One important class used in this  report is LedgertransReportEngine. All functionality of data handled through this class. Ledger report work as per dimesions through this class.

How to define Common Table in MSD Axapta?

Common Table in Axapta The system table Common is the base for all tables. The table contains no data, and the table can be compared with a temporary application table. Common is used like the base type anytype. You can set any table equal to the table Common. This is useful if you need to transfer a table as a parameter and not knowing the exact table before execution time. static void DataDic_Common(Args _args) { Common common; CustTable custTable; ; common = custTable; if (common.tableId == tablenum(custTable)) { while select common { info(common.(fieldnum(custTable, name))); } } } The example above is initializing Common with CustTable. A check is made to assure that Common is now equal to CustTable. All records from CustTable are looped, and the customer name is printed in the InfoLog. Notice, the system function fieldnum() is used to get the field name printed. If you do not know the fieldname at runtime, you can enter the field id

List of Dynamics Axapta ERP Top companies All over world

Following is a List of Dynamics Axapta ERP Top companies in the world Godrej Infotech MSBS Business solution Logica Sverige AB Avande Asea Pvt ltd BDO Dunboody LLP GMCS verix ABsys cyborge SA COSMO Consult Yokogava solution corporation 2e2 UK ltd Sonoma partners veri park Sable system pty ltd Second foundation consulting inc Demand mangement Dynamic software Tectura Sonata Columbus IT Other companies in India Dev Information technology India Pvt Ltd,Ahmedabad Synoverge, Ahmedabad  Tieto pune SHRISHAIL,Noida  LnT Infotech ,Mumbai Blue Star InfoTech ,Mumbai CGI,Bangalore PRoV International,Chennai  Hitachi Solutions ,Pune IL&FS Technologies ,Gurgaon Indusa,Ahmedabad Fujitsu,Gurgaon MPG,Gurgaon Ali Technologies ,Delhi  S3 infotech,Noida Persistent,Pune NDS Infotech ,Mumbai Capgemini,Mumbai KPIT,Pune TCS,Bangalore HCL,Noida GE,Gurgaon Infosys,Bangalore CorporateServe,Gurgaon Zylo

How to add Hyperlink in share point List with WSS 3.0

How to add Hyperlink in sharepoint List 1. You have to create custom field types in WSS 3.0 2. For creating custom field types, you need to have an '.ascx' which holds the sharepoint rendering template along with the dotnet web control (which is your hyper link) 3. You need to deploy this '.ascx' using custom field types by making use of WSS 3.0 feature framework 4. Finally you have to create a field of type 'custom field type' created.

Create new user in the share point for MSD axapta EP

Go to your Domain Controller Start --> Run --> type dsa.msc. It opens active directory users and groups.right click on Users and go to new from there select user and provide user details.that's it you created users in Active directory. Assign User to EP Site

Interview questions and answers on share point

1.Master page deployment. How? 2. Can Master page has .cs file and if yes where is it placed? 3. Can you deploy a web part in a web part? 4. Why do you use InfoPath forms over pages? 5. What are content types? why we need site columns? 6. Difference Site Definition and Site Template. 7. How can you create Master page using Object model 8. In ASP.Net- difference between Website and Web Application 9. Is String builder Value type or Reference type 10. How do you configure search 11. Why we need SSP 12. Difference between SSP and Central Admin 13. What are new features in Share point 14. Different authentications in share point 15. Scenario and write code in object model- In a web part input name,phone and address fields and two lists on different servers should be updated with the entered data. 16. Why we need features 17. Difference between web part manual deployment and using features 18. How do you develop connectible web parts 19. How many web part managers

Solution for Error unable to load usercontrols and .ascx file not found in MSDAX

1. Create a Directory called “usercontrols” in the root of your share point web site on the file system E.g. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\moss.litwareinc.com80\UserControls 2. Open IIS manager and in the root of your Share Point site create a Virtual Directory called “_controls” and point it to that newly created directory. 3. Put your user control in that newly created directory on the file system 4. Open the web.config file and add the following: 5. In your ASPX page add the following: <%@ Register src="~/_controls/SomeControl.ascx" mce_src="~/_controls/SomeControl.ascx" TagName="somecontrol" TagPrefix="uc2" %"> 6. Run your ASPX page and your control should render correctly.

Difference between master pages and layout pages in MSD Axapta EP

Though there might me a confusing point in Pagelayout and MasterPage, Difference lies in the processing of files and contents in SP. Page Layout is first streamed and compiled with Content Page and then only the Associated Master Page is queried to SP File provider and again master page is compiled and a complete page is returned back to the Client or to the requesting Browser. Page Layout is just an ASPX page which holds Page Content and you must know the mapping of Page Content and Page layout. But, master page is the same master page which you use on

Future of microsoft dyanamics MSD Axapta

Future of microsoft dyanamics Axapta I hope the Microsoft Dynamcis is doing good in the meduim segment industries right now. I feel that the future versions of AX might come in more robust and  support(integrate) the .NET architecture rather than improve the X++ language. As always Microsoft knows how to create markets for AX. I feel we cannot compare AX with SAP or other tier-1 applications as they have their own strengths and target market areas. Microsoft Axapta ERP doning well on production area,financial,trades and logistic and secondary sales modules. In future Axapta future is bright because its license comes on affordable prices and implementation of ax is so easy and completed in small time frame.

Tables used in production picking order in MSD axapta

Tables used in production picking order If you are trying to create production picking order through code then you may know two table prodtable and prodjournalbom but if you will insert record only on two table then some error you face. One internal table used which is prodbom table you also need to insert record in that table then you will not face any error.

Custom Invoice posting problem in MSD axapta

Some time Ax system not allowed to post custom invoice or sales order due to some restriction in coding.If sales order created in other currency instead of dollars then that type of problem come. To resolve that problem you can take following action. Go to SalesFormLetter_Invoice class there one method name is Journal post-> just put debug on that method you will able to find solution.

Code to check for current user have admin rights in MSD axapta

Code to check for current user have admin rights Str CcuruserID; UserInfo userInfo; UserGroupList UserGroupList1; ; CcuruserID=curuserID(); #Admin info(CcuruserID); select firstfast UserGroupList1 where UserGroupList1.groupId == #AdminUserGroup && UserGroupList1.UserId == curuserid(); if (UserGroupList1) info("Current User have admin rights");

Disable delegated authentication for user account in MSD axapta

Disable delegated authentication for user accounts Delegated authentication occurs when a network service accepts a request from a user and assumes that user’s identity in order to initiate a new connection to a second network service. By default, user accounts are not configured for delegated authentication, but you must verify that no user accounts that will use Kerberos authentication in Enterprise Portal are currently configured for delegated authentication. 1. In Active Directory Users and Computers, right-click a user account and select Properties. 2. On the Account tab, under Account Options, clear the Account is sensitive and cannot be delegated check box (if applicable), and click OK. Enable delegated authentication for IIS application pool accounts. Use this procedure to enable delegated authentication for the IIS application pool account. 1. In Active Directory Users and Computers, right-click the name of the IIS application pool account and select Properties. 2. C

Configure the HTTP Service Principal Name in MSD axapta

Configure the HTTP Service Principal Name Use this procedure to create an HTTP SPN for each Enterprise Portal and SQL Server Report Server computer. You can perform this procedure from one computer. It is not necessary to perform this procedure locally on each server. 1. Open the Windows Support Tools command prompt (Start > All Programs > Windows Support Tools > Command prompt). 2. At a command prompt, type the following command and press Enter: Setspn.exe -A HTTP/{server name} {application pool account} For this command, remove the braces {}, replace server name with the name of the server computer, and replace application pool account with the domain\name used for the IIS application pool. Here is an example of this command: Setspn.exe -A HTTP/EnterprisePortal1 contoso\WebAccount 3. Type the following command and press Enter: Setspn.exe -A HTTP/{the server fully-qualified domain name} {application pool account} For this command, remove the braces {}, replace the

Customer Portal in MSD Axapta

Customer Portal in Axapta Customer Portal gives service customers access to their service related data over an enterprise portal whenever required, thereby providing a new 365 days a year,24 hours a day kind of interaction between the service company nd the customer. A decrease in the tasks associated with giving service customers access to the data through other communication channels (telephone, e-mail messages, and so on) is expected. Basically, Customer Portal helps the Service customer who has two groups of requirements: • The need to view the data relevant for the service operation done on service items • The need to connect to the service company to initiate a service request

Tasks in Lead Management of MSD Axapta CRM

Tasks in Lead Management of Axapta CRM Lead Management enables users to manage and maintain lead records by: • Creating records - manual entries in the Lead maintenance or Lead entry forms • Reviewing records - records can be viewed in multiple ways such as by status or subject • Modifying records - specific information about a lead can be changed to update records • Deleting records - permanently remove lead records from the database. Users have the option to restrict deletion of records that a company does not want deleted

Lead Management in MSD Axapta CRM

Lead Management in Axapta CRM Lead Management is a feature of Sales Force Automation that enables sales teams to collect and store information about a lead and also develop sales activities and tasks that qualify leads into opportunities. Lead Management consists of two main components: • Lead Management - creating, reviewing, updating, and deleting lead information. • Lead Qualifying Process - creating, reviewing, updating, and deleting stages or steps and also activities that are needed to qualify or disqualify a lead.

Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2009 CRM Module Introduction

Introduction of CRM module in Axapta Microsoft Dynamics™ AX 2009 has many new features in the CRM module that enable a clearer view of a company’s sales processes. These clearer views enable companies to better manage and conduct their sales processes, as well as enable better documentation of processes and procedures for future use. The CRM module, together with the rest of the modules in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, has new navigation features that enable users to configure their own workspace. Users can decide what forms and lists to display on their home page to avoid having to search for forms and lists used most frequently. Preconfigured role pages help users in setting up their home page. Another new feature is the ability to view and conduct sales force activities through the Enterprise Portal. Almost any sales force activities in the application can now be performed through the portal. This enables mobile workers, customers, and vendors access to information and tasks t

Create a Quality Miscellaneous Charge in MSD axapta

Create a Quality Miscellaneous Charge in axapta To create a quality miscellaneous charge, follow these steps: 1. Open Inventory management > Setup > Quality management >Quality Miscellaneous  . charges. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new quality miscellaneouse charge. 3. In the Misc. charges code field, type the name or identifier. 4. Optionally, type the description in the Description field. 5. Press CTRL+S to save the new record

Exporting Project Controls to Excel in MSD axapta

Exporting Project Controls to Excel in Axapta 1. Click the Export to Microsoft Office Excel button 2. Designate the file name and location. 3. Select the measurements to be included in the pivot table. These measurements are the data fields generated by the Project control screen. 4. Select the dimensions to be used in the pivot table. These dimensions will vary by control screen, but will frequently include things such as Project, category, employee/item, transaction type, project date, and more 5. Select desired layout options (these vary by project control screen). 6. Click the OK button to generate the pivot table

Inventory Close Cancellation in MSD axapta

Inventory Close Cancellation In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, cancellation of an inventory close or recalculation has been optimized for performance gains. The cancellation job will now use the batch framework in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. Each item will be handled as a separate task by the batch framework and the batch framework will keep track of the dependencies between the tasks. Finally, all ledger postings will occur within their own Transaction Tracking System (TTS) scope.

Costing Versions in MSD axapta

Costing Versions in axapta The Costing version setup form enables users to create distinct user-defined environments, for maintaining and calculating items’ planned costs and it can be found here: Inventory management > Setup > Costing versions Users can enter and maintain planned items’ costs, cost categories’ rate, indirect costs’ rate, and ratio in costing versions. The BOM calculation executed on the costing version calculates and appends the manufactured item planned costs to it. The costs created with a status of “pending” can be activated, discreetly or else in mass, to become effective and be applied to production costing and inventory valuation.

Indirect Cost in MSD axapta

Indirect Cost in axapta Under full absorption costing methodology, manufacturing indirect costs are charged to products. This costing feature enables the definition, through the costing sheet, of the manufacturing indirect costs to be applied, either as a surcharge over other cost aggregates or else as a rate over production hours or quantities. Indirect costs contribute to the planned, estimated, and actual product and production costs. Indirect costs are applied and posted to ledger at the time of the resources consumption. A new Indirect cost transactions form has been introduced in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, and can be found here: Production > Production order details > Inquiries > Indirect cost transactions. The Indirect cost transactions form provides an overview of indirect costs applied on the production order

Procedures to Enable Cost Breakdown in MSD axapta

Procedures to Enable Cost Breakdown in axapta To enable cost breakdown in the configuration of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009,perform the following: 1. Open Administration > Setup > System > Configuration. 2. Expand the Logistics node. 3. Expand the Bills of materials node. 4. Select the Allow cost breakdown activation check box. To enable the cost breakdown in the Inventory management module, perform the following: 1. Open Inventory management > Setup > Parameters. 2. Click the Bills of materials tab. 3. Make a selection in the Cost Breakdown field. 4. Close the Parameters form.

Set Up Variances on Standard Cost Posting Profile in MSD axapta

Set Up Variances on Standard Cost Posting Profile To set the ledger accounts to apply for posting the variances to standard cost in the ledger, perform the following steps: 1. Open Inventory management > Setup > Posting > Posting. 2. Click the Standard cost variance tab in the Inventory posting form. 3. Select the type of variance for which to setup the ledger accounts. 4. Press CTRL+N to create a new line. 5. Select the Item relation and Cost relation that will govern the ledger account resolution. 6. Select the Account number. 7. Make a selection in the Site field. 8. Save the record and close the Inventory posting form

Standard Cost in MSD Axapta

Standard Cost in Axapta When a new standard cost is activated on an item, the system immediately revalues both inventory and Work in Process (WIP), at the new standard cost. It records the revaluation variances in the process to account for the difference to the prior standard cost. This is a list of the types of variance available for standard cost: • Variances to standard cost are captured through different variance types at every stage.• Purchase price variance is captured upon purchase receipt and invoice matching. • Cost change variances are captured upon transfers and credit notes. • Revaluation variances are captured upon standard cost change. • Production variances are captured upon production end. This can be optionally separated between cost, quantity variance, substitution and lot size variance. Ultimately, items defined by using a standard cost valuation method no longer require the inventory close process to be performed.

How to get No of users Online and sessions in MSD axapta

How to get No of users Online and sessions This job gives you the number of current online users. static void noofusersOnline(Args _args) { int maxSessions = Info::licensedUsersTotal(); userinfo userinfo; int counter; int num; xSession session; if (!maxSessions) //Demo mode maxSessions = 3; num = 0; for(counter = maxSessions;counter;counter--) { session = new xSession(counter, true); if(session && session.userId()) { select userinfo where == session.userId(); print; } } print "Maximum session id's in Axapta - ", xsession::maxSessionId(); pause; }

Code to Get specified layer object in MSD axapta x++

This Job gets you the list of objects(Forms) which are developed in user layer. This can be achieved in many possible ways..This job will be time consuming as it uses tree node to find the objects. Also, if you click the object in the info displayed, the corresponding form gets opened. static void getLayers(Args _args) { treeNode treeNode; xInfo xInfo = new xInfo(); #AOT ; treeNode = xInfo.findNode(#FormsPath); treeNode = treeNode.AOTfirstChild(); while (treeNode) { if(treeNode.applObjectLayer() == utilEntryLevel::usr) { info(treeNode.TreeNodeName(),'', sysinfoaction_formrun::newFormname(treeNode.TreeNodeName(),'','')); } treeNode = treeNode.AOTnextSibling(); }

Get All the fields in a table through code in MSD axapta

Get All the fields in a table through code The idea behind writing this job is to make clear the concepts of sqlDictionay and how to get the fields from a table. Also a little introduction to file generation class(TextBuffer).This job create a CSV file by name fieldlist in C: drive static void fieldsInTable(Args _args) { str fieldList = ''; SqlDictionary sqlDictionary; TextBuffer buffer = new TextBuffer(); ; while select * from sqlDictionary where sqlDictionary.tabId==tablenum(salestable) { fieldList += sqlDictionary.sqlName; fieldlist += '\r'; } if (fieldList) fieldList = subStr(fieldList,1,strLen(fieldList)-1); buffer.setText(fieldlist); buffer.toFile("c:\\fieldslist.csv"); }

Set Mandatory fields in Table through code in MSD axapta

Set Mandatory fields in Table through code in ax DictTable dictTable; DictField dictField; tableId tableId; fieldId fieldId; str result; #DictField ; dicttable = new DictTable(tablenum(salestable)); for (fieldId = dictTable.fieldNext(0);fieldId;fieldId = dictTable.fieldNext(fieldId)) { dictField = dictTable.fieldObject(fieldId); if (!dictField.isSystem() && bitTest(dictField.flags(), #dbf_visible) && bitTest(dictField.flags(), #dbf_mandatory)) { result +=; result +='\n'; } } info(result);

How to use like in range with wildcard character in MSD axapta

 How to use like in range with wildcard character in axapta Using wildcard "Like" //The "*" symbolises the like in the statement static void useWildCards(Args _args) { Query custQuery = new Query(); QueryRun queryRun; CustTable CustTable; ; custQuery.addDataSource(tablenum(CustTable)).addRange(fieldnum(CustTable, Name)).value('L*'); queryRun = new QueryRun(custQuery); while ( { custTable = queryRun.get(tablenum(CustTable)); info(custTable.Name); } }